Sunday, April 25, 2010


Ruts, what rut you ask, life goes on and this is mine what am I to do about it, how did I even get here? One day you are healthy, happy, and going about your life without a care, and slowly day by day, month to month in to the years you progress until one day you wake to find the ever narrowing walls of the rut that has became your life. Looking up at the narrowing light at the end of the virtual tunnel, it seems so far away. and so hard to reach. How do I get out of this rut is the question that burns in my mind I hear it clearly, but no enlightenment is present to whisper the answer. Some say just change, it's your life you have control. but do I really, I know that I do, just like you know you do, but excuses come easily and they help to combat the fear of the situation, the fear of taking control of my life. So how does one take back control of their life. I guess the first thing is to identify the parts of my present life that isn't making me happy and start by changing them. I need to step out into faith and take back my life!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Dirt, it is the fresh of my mother, the Earth. All life exist by the grace of her gifts. without dirt the Earth would be just another rock floating in space. we should celebrate the dirt that we live on and not take it for granted.

We as a people really need to learn to heal the dirt. We can start in our own yards, how you ask? compose for one. We need to learn to compose our green waste and add that back in the soil. I use to live on a hill by a river and for five years I didn't mow the grass on the hill, I planted wild flowers, and before long I had a beautiful garden that nature landscape. Trees started to grow in this yard and the small animals and birds returned. I composed the little bit of grass I did cut along with all our vegetable scraps and any other green waste that we produced and this gave me some wonderful additives for my garden, after a couple of years the four, three foot by five foot raised beds that I grew started producing more vegetables than we could eat all because I grew the soil first.

We should also teach the children how important the dirt really is to their continued life on this planet, maybe if the next generation started caring more about dirt and the way it is being used then they can start the changes that needs to be made so that humans can survive as a healthy entity on the earth.

Yes, I am a tree hugger and a earth warrior and proud of it.  


Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Mad Man Cometh

This blog is for ME! So those who read it and don't like what you read click that big old X up in the corner and leave me the hell alone. I am not interested in your opinion on my writing or the content. This is a place I can let the mad man out and let him air his thoughts, tell his wild stories, and get rid of all the craziness in his head. So thank you for flying Mad Man Air please put your seat backs into there upright position and take your fucking baggage with you as you exit the blog.

The Mad Man.