Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wow I Can Be a Mommy Too

Now, I know what your thinking? how can a man be a mommy wells its like this, I adopted three little kitten that was orphaned and thought nursing them back to health and bottle feeding them I somehow became their mommy, or at lease in their little eyes.I know each one of them now by their sound, the way they walk and believe it or not the way they smell just like a good mommy is suppose to.

I have raised animals all my life cats, dogs, raccoons, and even a orphaned squirrel or two. but beside my dog Poddy I don't think I ever developed such a strong bond with an animal or in this case animals. I have been caring for them now for three weeks and they are all in great health now and growing like weeds, but I know I am going to dread letting them go when it comes time to find homes for them.

Beside the strong emotional bond the whole experience has been a great lessen, I guess it has let me get in touch with my feminine side. I really look forward to the time when they are all on be purring and nuzzling me at night after a feeding,I find it is very relaxing and it seems it as done something that the medicines I take hasn't, and that is pull me out of my depression. I guess its true when you are busy caring for some others needs your troubles seem further away, and it lets you look at them same problems with a different prospective.

To all you mommies out there, I salute you! I just got a little taste of the experience you have as a mother, and to be honest as a man who has raised two children I en-vie you. I was a great dad but the experience is way different from being a mom and as a dad and a grandfather now I am glad I got a small peek at the differences


Friday, May 7, 2010

Twenty Seven Years

Today is our twenty seventh wedding anniversary. I have enjoyed every single day of those years and would not trade them for anything. Sometimes I complain about my lot in life, but one thing I will never complain about is being married to my wife. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and all I can hope for is another twenty seven years with this wonderful women.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wenseday's Follies

We went to Walmart today and I walked instead of using their motored wheelchair. At first I was ok, but after about ten minutes my knee started hurting and there was a burning feeling in the lower section of the knee plus as an added bonus all the muscles in my right leg started cramping. it sucks not being able to walk as much as I want but it is still better than the six month I spent not being able to walk at all back in 2000. I know as soon as I can get my knee repaired I will be able to start moving more. On a brighter note I got four 40 pound bags of dirt to start my spinach and lettuce. all the plants I started in side are doing great but it is getting time to plant them outside.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Each Journey Starts with a Step

I walked today for about 30 minutes. My knees hurt a lot the pain was a 9 on a scale to 10 and swelled up as soon as I rested, I know I need to walk daily, but my knee isn't going to like it. I also want to start lifting weights again and start a diet I have to lose this weight if I ever have a chance to feel better, so I am going to start tracking my journey here to keep me honest and I hope motivated.
